A revolutionary mode of aerial transportation. The Axion is a personal VTOL aircraft powered by eight micro jet-engines capable of transporting a single person or cargo at high speeds. The vehicle is scaled-up version of the flight proven JetQuad Platform.
Pricing starts at $289,995.00
Standard Lead Time: 12-months
Key Design Features.
The naturally flat geometry of the vehicle decreases the drag in cruise mode allowing a greater speed. The vehicle comes equipped with two 60L cross-linked fuel tanks. Axion can be easily customized for a variety of human and cargo payloads.
The micro jet-engines are entirely enclosed within the body of the vehicle which adds a high degree of robustness and survivability.
The Axion Thrust Vectoring System (TVS) allows the vehicle to start and take-off from a variety of surfaces and offers an incredibly smooth transition from hover mode to forward flight mode and vise-versa.
“The Axion jet-powered personal aircraft is fueled by gas-station diesel and fits in a standard parking-spot - a true flying hypercar."

Advantages of the Jet-Powered Personal Aircraft.
The most notable advantage of Axion over similarly sized electric-propeller driven aircraft are the top-speed (200mph) and acceleration (0.5G). So when speed and maneuverability are of top importance, nothing beats the Axion transport.
The jet-engines of the Axion consume a variety of heavy-fuels ranging from gas-station Diesel to Biodiesel to Jet-A making it easy to refuel the vehicle almost anywhere in the world. Furthermore, it only takes a few minutes to refill the 30-gallon fuel tank as opposed to the several hours it takes to recharge an electrical aerial transport.
Unlike most electric-propeller aircraft, the jet-engines of the Axion maintain consistent performance in both cold and high-altitude environments. Furthermore, because there are no aerodynamic control surfaces and all control comes directly from the Thrust Vectoring System, the Axion is not as susceptible to inclement weather as other propeller and winged-based vehicles.
Axion’s compact frame coupled with micro jet-engines makes up a vehicle with a small landing foot-print – half the size of an equivalent propeller driven aircraft. Axion can easily fit in a standard parking spot or the back of a pick-up truck. The fully enclosed Thrust Vectoring System allows the Axion to fly in terrain (between cliffs and trees) that is normally inaccessibly to propeller aircraft (like helicopters).

Flight Modes.
The AB8 Axion is capable of operating in three distinct modes. Transitions between modes occur effortlessly without having to tilt the vehicle. The result is a smooth flight experience. Thrust Vectoring is employed for all flight modes negating the need for any aerodynamic control surfaces.
In this mode, the aircraft is hovering at a single point above the ground. This is required for vertical take-off and landing capability.
The vehicle accelerates horizontally to cruise velocity and maintains the velocity for a pre-described duration.
Soon after engine ignition, all engines are set to full throttle and the vehicle lifts off on a rocket-like vertical trajectory.
Axion VTOL Aircraft Configurations.
When you purchase an Axion base model, you are purchasing a fully customizable platform. With the appropriate accessories, the Axion may be easily reconfigured for different applications in just a matter of hours.
Axion: Personal Aircraft
Ever wanted a personal Formula-1 race car, but simply couldn’t afford it? The current price range for an F1 car lies between $12 to $15 million, according to Red Bull. The Axion will provide you with the same exhilaration in the form of a flying vehicle at a fraction of the cost. You won’t even need a racetrack - the atmosphere becomes your playground. This Axion jet-powered personal aircraft configuration is primarily used for recreational purposes as well as high-speed aerial racing leagues – a flying Formula-1.
Axion: Emergency Medevac
The Axion emergency medevac supports a pressurized full-size stretcher. It is used for evacuating injured persons from tough to reach terrain normally inaccessible by helicopter. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners reports that the average air ambulance trip is about 52 miles, with a cost ranging between $12,000 and $25,000 per flight. Axion can perform the same mission at a fraction of the time and fraction of the cost: $200 - $250 per flight.
Axion: Cargo Hauler
When it comes to inter-city shipping of larger objects, nothing beats the cost of operating the Axion Cargo Hauler. The cargo hauler is a large drone with a flat "pellet-style" top for transporting larger items and cases. For example, shipping a 170lb object via FedEx Same-Day Ground to a city 50-miles away could cost anywhere between $700-$900. In comparison, it would only cost $200 to ship the same package if using the Axion cargo hauler. The vehicle will also find a lot of applications in high-altitude construction projects.
Axion: Heavy-Lift Drone
The fully autonomous drone configuration of the Axion is specifically designed to carry internal payloads. An internal payload sometimes requires a stable power-supply in-flight, whether it’s a large electronic device (for surveillance) or a refrigerator (for transporting medical supplies). For this reason, the Axion drone may be equipped with a light-weight ARC turbogenerator to provide up to 8kW of peak power to the payload.
Safety Features.
During engine ignition and idle operation the thrust vectoring system diverts all exhaust gases to the front and rear of the vehicle. The hot gas does not touch the ground so there is no damage to the take-off surface. Most importantly, this provides the operator with safe and easy access the vehicle from the sides even with the engines at 100% throttle.
An advanced flight computer ensures that all operations, manned and unmanned are conducted in a safe, pre-described manner. Independent of the configuration, the Axion can be fully operated remotely to allow emergency landing when needed. The personal transport configuration does provide some manual controls overseen by the computer.
The Axion has a total of eight micro jet-engines arranged in pairs. The vehicle has sufficient power overhead to operate in “limp-mode” with just seven engines. This means that during flight, if any of the eight engines unexpectedly shuts-down, Axion will automatically provide a fully controlled emergency descent.
The manned configurations of the Axion feature additional guards for the human body. The personal aerial vehicle features a roll-bar and a wind deflector to increase overall protection. The medevac configuration features a polycarbonate shell to protect the injured person.
Propulsion Development.
We are actively testing out a 450N micro jet-engine capable of a 10-second start-up time - an industry first for an engine this size. Eight of such engines will power the Axion personal VTOL. Check out the video below for one of the recent engine tests.